




作者:admin 發(fā)布日期: 2019-10-29 二維碼分享


       A temperature transmitter is a meter that converts a temperature variable into a standardized output signal that can be transmitted.The signal of the temperature sensor is converted into a current signal,which is then connected to the secondary meter so that the corresponding temperature can be displayed.At present,the technology is very mature,very common in various factories,mainly used in petroleum,chemical,chemical fiber;textile,rubber,building materials;electric power,metallurgy,medicine;food and other industrial fields on-site temperature measurement process control;especially suitable for The computer measurement and control system can also be used with the instrument.


       Does the temperature transmitter need to be verified periodically?


        The temperature measuring components used in the preheater temperature measurement have thermal resistance and thermocouple.The range of thermal resistance temperature measurement is relatively small,and the temperature of the preheater is more than 1000 degrees Celsius.Therefore,temperature measurement by thermocouple is the most effective means.Thermocouples are divided into integrated thermocouples and non-integrated thermocouples.In our company,we use non-integrated thermocouples to convert electrical signals into temperature signals through temperature transmitters for transmission to the central control room for operator reference.The non-integrated thermocouple adopts two-wire system,and is connected to the company's DCS system through a temperature transmitter,and returns to the central control room.During the measurement process,some transmitters are greatly affected by the environment,and zero and full points will occur to different degrees.The drift,which requires effective means to timely and accurately calibrate it.


       Calibration method:


       1.During calibration,connect the potentiometer to the input terminal,the output signal is the electromotive force,connect the 24VDC regulated power supply to the output terminal and connect the standard ammeter in series.


       2,zero adjustment:reverse signal input line,so that the potentiometer output verification site temperature corresponding to the electromotive force,adjust the potentiometer Z,so that the ammeter reading is 4mA.


       3,full:the signal input line is connected,so that the potential difference meter outputs the full range corresponding to the electromotive force,adjust the potentiometer S,so that the ammeter reading is 20mA.(The electromotive force is the value of the full-scale electromotive force minus the room temperature corresponding to the electromotive force).




       1.Pay attention to the polarity when wiring,and start tuning after 15 minutes of power-on preheating.


       2.In the adjustment,input the signal at a slow speed to ensure that there is no overshoot.


       3.Do not use excessive force during adjustment to prevent screwing.


       4.Before calibration,prepare the calibration record sheet,and check the temperature/millivoltal comparison table or the thermal resistance temperature/resistance comparison table of the thermocouple at each checkpoint,and adjust the data required by the temperature transmitter.Exit and fill in the prepared data record table.



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